Thursday, July 05, 2007

Cuatro De Julio

Hung out at Acworth Beach for the 4th of July fireworks display. It is one of their Love the Lake summer events. It was crowded as usual and parking is always an adventure. When you go you got to be prepared to walk because you can't park down by the lake...and even if you did you would be stuck forever trying get out. So many people attend this event so our minds were racing at ways we could use this event to provide exposure for Freedom Church next year. The opportunity is great to reach the people of Acworth through this event. The fireworks were good and we had a good time just hanging out and watching people....however...every year I go I have brought a cooler, this year I did not. I paid the price for not bringing it....I had to wait in line for 30 minutes just to get a drink...dumb move not to bring a cooler...especially when you have a pregnant wife.

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