Saturday, October 06, 2007

Leadership or Environmental Conservation?

Attending the Catalyst Conference was awesome. However, I became a little confused at times on whether or not I was attending a Leadership conference....which Catalyst is supposed to be and is widely known for....or a "Save The Planet" rally. At times I felt as if I was being indoctrinated by well known leadership guru's who took it upon themselves to use their platform as a chance to persuade me to their political position on saving the planet and energy conservation all in the name of Jesus and being a good leader. It sounded like Pat Robertson on the left. At first I ignored it...but then it became a running theme and I grew tired of it. If I wanted to hear about saving the planet I would go rent Al Gore's award winning film and attend the democratic national convention. I wanted to hear about leadership and how to get as many freaking people to Jesus as possible by being a good leader...thank you Andy Stanley, Rick Warren, Francis Chan, Craig Groeschel, and John Maxwell for sticking to this task!! And thank you to the worship leaders as well, cause they rock the house and put our attention on for the others...go save some Tri's....I mean trees.

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