Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday Confession

I Confess: I like to please others. I'm not talking about being a nice guy and serving others. What I'm talking about is sometimes when faced with a major decision I will let the possible feelings, reactions or thoughts of others be my guide rather than what is really best. This IS dangerous. I don't want to piss people off, or let anyone down on purpose. Further, I love people and want them to love me. However, I can't let the opinions of others override what the Spirit of God is leading me to do. This doesn't mean I rule out wise counsel. It doesn't mean I ignore the advice of others. It doesn't mean seeking others opinions goes left undone. It does mean, however, that if God is leading me to do something that will carry the consequence of negative reactions of others, I must never compromise for the sake of others approval. The consequences of doing so will be catastrophic. However, it is true that I struggle with this I alone?

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