Thursday, April 05, 2007

Here's Your Sign

So I am driving down the road last night going to get some dinner with my wife and just down the street from my house is this sign for this church. I had to stop and take a picture because...well...look at it. With church planting on my mind 24-7 now days a few questions come to mind when I see signs like this one:

1. How often do visitors come to this church?

2. Are there any unchurched or lost people that see this sign and come visit?

3. How "missionary" are you with a sign like this?

4. Are these people as passionate about reaching lost people as they are about which version of the Bible they use?

5. Do they not allow people to come to their church if they do not believe this way?

6. What message do they think this sends to a lost world trying to connect with a real God?

7. Seriously, why?

No wonder so many have a distaste for church and Christianity. God help us to get back to what really matters.

1 comment:

Josh said...

That sign made me laugh. It is rediculous. I couldn't agree more with what you said.