Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Java and The Sermon

I decided to take my office on the road today and make the Serene Bean my place of study. I am studying for the preaching event on April 22. That's right April 22. That is the day I will preach at FBCW PM service. I am sitting here sipping on the always delicious Iced Coffee and studying for my sermon. I love coffee, and I love to communicate...I love to prepare for the communication event, but I hate the nervousness that comes before the event. So to clear my mind of all the tension of the event, I am enjoying a relaxing cup of coffee and making the best of my preparation time. I feel God has put upon my heart a verse of Scripture, and I am studying that Scripture and sculpting what will become the most significant sermon I have ever preached to date. I can't believe I get to do this, I can't believe I will stand in front of the church at FBCW, I can't believe that my pastor will be there, I can't believe God called me to do this, I can't believe it, but it is true and the time is drawing nigh...so I must get back to my prep...and my java...that's Tuesday for me.

1 comment:

Josh Bradley said...

You are awesome!