Monday, April 30, 2007

Time To Get Packing

I leave tomorrow to go on the trip of a lifetime. I am leaving on a plane tomorrow night and will fly 13 hours landing in Tel Aviv, Israel. I am going on a tour of the Holy Lands led by my pastor. I can't believe that I get to go on this trip. I am going to be packing tonight....of course waiting until the last minute. I have never been out of the country before, except one time on a boat, but that does not really count does it? I am a little nervous, but not about the long plane ride or being in the Middle East where it is always crazy, but I am nervous about my seat on the plane. Let me explain. I am a rather big individual. The seats on planes are very compact. The two of these things do not make for a good combination. It is manageable when you are on short flights, but when you are going to be on a plane for 13 hours it can't be good. I am going to bring a sleep aid to try and help me, but I have a feeling that it is going to be the longest 13 hours of my life. But I realize that regardless of how miserable my plane ride might be it will all be worth it in the end. I am going to attempt to post updates here on what is going on, but no promises. Internet may be scarce, and even if it isn't my use of it certainly will be. I must get packing, the time is drawing near.

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