Wednesday, December 12, 2007

To The Anonymous

I will say this only one time so pay close attention. I apologize in advance for the tone of this blog.

To those anonymous comment leavers...I would just like to say the following. You are just as free to express your opinions as am I. I choose to let my thoughts and opinion on certain matters be public on my blog. I have made it possible for you to leave your comments and opinions freely. I have also made my email public on the website so that you can personally email me with your thoughts. Because I have done the aforementioned things on my blog it is obvious that I am open to dialogue and discussion on the topics which I post. Please pay me the same courtesy by allowing me to respond to your disagreements, and let us engage in dialogue instead of hiding behind your absurd screen names and making it impossible for me to respond. I am open, but by the way you choose to mask yourself you have proven that you are not. It is a sad and poor thing for you to be so one sided and close minded. You who choose to remain anonymous have demonstrated that you are prideful, arrogant, and quite simply....a coward. I dare you to send me an email and open yourself to a dialogue...otherwise keep your comments to yourself and quit wasting the energy and my time. Have a nice day!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your post has caused me to rethink things. I will no longer remain anonymous.