Friday, April 04, 2008

The Art Of Decision Making

Nobody has ever said, "I want to make stupid decisions." At least I would hope. Rather, everyone desires to make good, smart, effective decisions. Proverbs tells us to "ponder the paths of our feet." This means that impulsive decision making is not very wise, particularly for big decisions and especially as leaders. In fact, I would venture to say it is extremely harmful. Thinking and processing over a decision is the pathway to effective decision making, and often it requires expediting the process. This includes seeking wisdom and insight from various sources (including from people smarter and more experienced than you), contemplating the consequences and ramifications of each path, and praying for the guidance of the Spirit of God. Doing this allows you to experience the second half of the aforementioned Proverb, "then your ways will be sure." When you make thoughtfully and prayerfully considered decisions you enable yourself to move forward in those decisions with unparalleled confidence. This confidence does not eliminate risks involved nor guarantee you will avoid adversity, but it does mean as you encounter these things you can walk with security that you have made the best decision you could have made.

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