Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day Review

I had an awesome Mother's Day weekend...yeah I made a weekend out of it. I have an awesome mom, mother-in-law....and I'm married to the best mommy ever. I spent Saturday night with my mom...she is the epitome of a strong woman...she did everything possible to make sure I was taken care of growing up...even if it meant working 2 jobs. She is still that same woman...always making sure my dreams become a reality by playing a very active part...I love her and am thankful to be able to call her mom! My mother-in-law is simply amazing...she treats me as her own son and is my biggest supporter. She is a prayer warrior and believes in me like few do...I am unbelievably blessed!

And then there is the mother of my two amazing babies Noah and Hannah...the woman I am privileged to call my wife. I spent all day Sunday making sure she knew how amazing she is! I'm not elaborate enough with words to be able to describe this woman. I already new she was the most beautiful and amazing wife, but observing her as a mother has blown me away. The way she loves and nurtures Noah and Hannah....she is simply amazing...I love her and I did my best to make sure that she felt extremely appreciated for all she does, but if I only do this one time a year....shame on me. My goal is to always let her know how incredible of a mother she is by expressing it to her continuously and striving to help make her successful!!

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