Friday, May 02, 2008

MYDAY Friday

1. Hit up some yard sales this morning...I know its not very manly, but when you're on a tight budget and you need some things it's a great way to save!
2. Hung out with my babies while Heather was getting her hair done...things got a little crazy, but my sister met me for lunch and saved the day!!
3. I can't believe the ability of my son to fill up a Huggies beyond capacity!!
4. Never a dull moment when you have kids...I would not trade it for anything in the world.
5. I've never been more excited about the vision of Reveal Church!
6. People often ask me to tell them about Reveal Church...bottom line...there are 46,000+ people within a 15 minute drive of where we want to launch who are lost...and we are insanely and ridiculously, out of our mind PASSIONATE about reaching EVERY one of them!!

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