Friday, May 18, 2007

Starbucks Chats

I had a couple of good "Starbucks Chats" yesterday. I love Starbucks. It is such a cool place. You can go there and just hang out, meet friends, read a book, have a business meeting, drink delightfully delicious coffee, and if you hang out there long will get free samples.

I had 2 meetings at Starbucks needless to say I was on a pretty good caffeine buzz all day...which is good because I have started this new thing at my house to help out my wife. I have been getting up with Noah in the mornings so she can get a little more sleep before taking care of him all day....he has been getting up early this week so the caffeine was good.

I met with my friend Drew for a little while and we just hung out and talked. We go way back. He is a cool guy. Our friendship has changed over the past couple of months....the past year actually, but it is cool. Drew is a really gifted individual and very down to earth was good to hang with him.

I also met with Louie Lovoy. Louie is the Pastor of Guest Services/Volunteers at MLC. Louie is extremely cool guy who gave me lots of practical advice and tools. He supplied me with some resources and was so open to helping me out. What a cool guy. It is just another reason I love MLC. I think they have the most helpful and generous and gifted leaders over grateful for all they have done for me and the rest of our team.

Thanks to Starbucks for letting us meet in your facilities and allowing us to partake in the Divine beverages that are offered is various forms.

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