Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Mucho Calor (Very Hot)

In the past few months I've lost around 30 pounds. How? Working my butt off, plain and simple. I had to stop eating so much of the food I love, the junkie stuff that's full of grease and only cost 99 cents on the value menus, and I started running. Running, for lack of a better way to describe it, sucks. However, pushing myself to do these two things has made me successful at losing weight. I can't afford a gym membership so running outside is all I got....and it's hot. If I'm not careful I can easily slip back into old habits and find every excuse not to run. It takes work. It takes diligence. It takes motivation. It takes results. It takes determination. But if I am committed to all of these things I will not only be able to fit into cooler clothes, not be embarrassed to take off my shirt at the pool, look healthier, but most importantly, I will be healthier. And being healthier is my greatest desire. So even though its hotter than the fiery pits of darkness and I will sweat like rabid banshee...I will endure because I have a goal, and I desire to achieve that goal.

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