Saturday, November 03, 2007

What's In A Name?

The two greatest questions I am facing right now on my church planting journey are where? and what do I name the church? There are a couple of names on the list, but we just haven't been able to nail it down. Really there is only one that is of great potential, but none of us are sold on it...yet. I have been given some advice on coming up with a name. I was told that it should be unique, and that you should be able to purchase the .com and .org web domains. The name that is on top of the list right now has those domains available but at an extremely high price for whatever reason. The name is also very unique. In fact, it's so unique that we are not sure we want to use it. I want our name to mean something. I want it say a lot about who we are and what we are trying to accomplish, and the name on our list does this...but it still needs to grow on us...or something.

I don't want our name to just be a name for the sake of having a name. Nor do I want it to be a name that identifies itself with one particular community and risk the possibility of limiting ourselves. I want our influence to be greater than just one particular area, and I want our name to demonstrate that.

Anyway...I feel if I can answer these two questions soon I can really begin moving forward on some other extremely important money stuff! Patience is key in the process...I am having to really work hard at being patient because this is one characteristic that I lack...severely.

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