Thursday, February 28, 2008


I wrote this a ways back...was reminded of it at a Church Planter round table today...this is definitely where we are living right now....

The Realm Of Impossibility

Recently I have been challenged in my personal time with God, and by other leaders to live inside the realm of impossibilities. That is, live inside the realm of the Ephesians 3:20. The realm of the impossibility is where God shows up and demonstrates His glory, and that is where I want to be. The challenge of living inside the realm impossibility is that it requires living life on the edge. It means living life with uncertainty. It means living a risk taking life of adventure. It means living life outside the realm of comfort...but it in this realm where God is experienced in a way that He can't be experienced elsewhere.With that in mind I have turned my prayer life into a prayer life of asking God for the impossible. I am praying for things that I have no possible way of accomplishing on my own. I am asking God to do things that will go undone unless He acts in a supernatural way.

You know, Noah probably looked pretty ridiculous when he was building a gigantic boat. Moses probably looked pretty ridiculous holding a stick in the water before it parted the Red Sea. And David probably looked pretty ridiculous walking up to a man twice his height with only a sling shot and a few stones. But when it is all said done God demonstrates His power and His splendor in the most unlikely, ridiculous, and unpromising situations.God shows up in the realm of the impossible....that is why I am praying for the impossible...I desire for God to show up!! I don't merely want to see what I can do....I want to see what God can do!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! This was an encouraging post. Thanks for sharing it Mark.