Friday, February 29, 2008

MyDAY Friday

1. Another day at the Grind, working and praying.
2. It's been a busy week that has involved lots of driving.
3. Went to the "Holy Land" and hung out with the pastor of this church this week...very cool.
4. I am confident that we are going to win the competition.
5. LOST...that is a good name for this show.
6. I think it would be cool if we voted for the president the way people voted for people on American Idol...
7. The candidates give their best speech, then America votes, then have a result show the following night....and yes Ryan Seacrest would host it.

1 comment:

KTP said...

Dude, what were the weights for your team, no one has posted on the dfat blog, I'm in the dark. All that driving keeps you from burning calories!