Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Sick

In John 6 we find Jesus trying to retreat after performing various miracles. However, as Jesus traveled so did the crowds. The reason that the crowds followed Jesus was because they were blown away by the unbelievable signs He was doing in healing those who were severely disabled or sick. My prayer is that as we launch Reveal Church Jesus would transform the lives of the "sick." The drug addicts, the alcoholics, the adulterers, the prostitutes...and as a result the crowds would be blown away and begin to follow Jesus. I want the crowds to come to Reveal Church, I would be lying if I said otherwise. However, I'm not as desirous that the name of Reveal Church be made famous as I am that the name of Jesus be made famous. I do not want the crowds to come because Reveal Church is cool, and it will be, or because its different, and it will be, but I want them to come and encounter the One who has the power to transform their lives.

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